19 Adar II 5771
The only death resulting from Wednesday's terror attack in Jerusalem was a Scottish "Bible translator," named Mary Jane Gardner.
Gardner was studying Hebrew and volunteering at a notorious, Christian moshav.
From her association's own website:
The only death resulting from Wednesday's terror attack in Jerusalem was a Scottish "Bible translator," named Mary Jane Gardner.
Gardner was studying Hebrew and volunteering at a notorious, Christian moshav.
From her association's own website:
Our work in the Bible translation movement flows out of our identity as followers of YeSh"U. The beliefs we share provide us with the motivation for our ministry. These foundational beliefs guide our plans and practices. In all we do, we desire to not only spread the message of YeSh"U, but also to incarnate—live out—that message.
The Almighty showed his mercy on us on Wednesday. No Jews were killed, only one who spreads lies about The Almighty, and aids and abets Christian missionaries in Israel, if not worse.
Gardner's own name hints to the underlying theme of the activities of those like her.
First, remember that she was a translator. Her name Mary Jane translates to Marijuana, a drug. Christianity is a drug, designed to anesthetize people, to prevent them from knowing the truth about The Almighty.
She is one of this drug's gardeners, watering it, nurturing it, and spreading its evil seeds.
The Almighty eliminated one of Christianity's gardeners this week.
Even if the Jews do not recognize the dangers, and the extensiveness, of Christian missionaries in Israel, these missionaries' days are numbered!
Gardner's own name hints to the underlying theme of the activities of those like her.

She is one of this drug's gardeners, watering it, nurturing it, and spreading its evil seeds.
The Almighty eliminated one of Christianity's gardeners this week.
Even if the Jews do not recognize the dangers, and the extensiveness, of Christian missionaries in Israel, these missionaries' days are numbered!
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