Saturday, May 27, 2023

הרב נבנצל והרב טאו קוראים לציבור לבוא לעצרת מחאה נגב האירוע הנוצרי! / Rabbi Nebenzahl and Rabbi Tau Call Upon the Public to Protest the Christian Event next to the Temple Mount!

מוצ״ש פר׳ נשא תשפ״ג
English Translation below.

On the 6th of Sivan (May 26, 2023), we will be happy and rejoice in the Torah, which is our strength and light.

But the day after Shabbat, the Christians plan to hold a significant Christian event at the foot of the Temple Mount, on the steps of the Southern Wall, with the participation of Christian missionary communities, Jews for Jesus, prominent Christian figures and Christians from abroad.

They declare that the event will include words of praise and exaltation for 'that man' (their false deity) and the announcement of the opening of decade of [world-wide] evangelizing - increased missionary activities.

The Land is shaken and outraged!

The public is called upon to come to the protest rally Sunday, 8 Sivan / May 28, 9:00 AM
at the entrance to the Davidson Center (מרכז דוידסון) next to the Dung Gate
with the participation of

Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl, Shilt"a
Rabbi Emeritus, Jerusalem's Old City


Rabbi Tzvi Tau Shilt"a
Founder, Har HaMor Yeshivah
The following rabbis also call upon you to be a part of the protest:

Rabbi Eliyahu Medina, Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Mordechai Sheinberger, Rabbi Chaim Steiner, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, Rabbi Moshe Brandwein, Rabbi Baruch Wieder, Rabbi Yishayahu Doron, Rabbi Rafael Schnur

May we merit that God's removal this terrible disgrace from us and sanctify the Torah.

D'rishat Yerusalayim

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