Monday, May 29, 2023

המחאה נגד עבודה זרה ע״י מסיונרים נוצרים אתמול ליד הר הבית / Yesterday's Protest Against Christian Missionary Ceremony next to the Temple Mount

ט׳ סיון תשפ״ג
הנה שלושה סרטונים מהמחאה אתמול ליד הר הבית נגד פעולת עבודה זרה ע״י מסיונרים נוצרים המציינת את התחלת מסע לנצר את כל העולם. והמטרה הראשונה שלהם היא עם ישראל.

Here are three videos from yesterday's protest next to the Temple Mount against Christian missionaries beginning their campaign to convert the world, beginning with the Jews.

Now in the Davidson complex: Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Arie King and dozens of other protesters are protesting against Christians who are holding an event there. The police are trying to restore order.
Well done to the hundreds who came to protest in front of the Society for the Development of the Jewish Quarter, which allowed Christian missionaries to hold Christian worship and a ceremony related to the preparation for a missionary operation among the residents of Israel, a dignified and proper protest against the government company that made this possible and against the missionaries themselves. As far as I am concerned, every missionary should know that he is not a welcome person in the Land of Israel.

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