Tuesday, May 30, 2023

מסיונר נוצרי תוקף את בחורים חרדיים / Christian Missionary Attacks Ultra-Orthodox

י׳ סיון תשפ״ג

קשה לשמוע את כל מילה ובמיוחד בהתחלה.

מה אתם חושבים על מה קרה בעיר העתיקה בין הבחורים החרדיים למסיונר הנוצרי שתקף אותם? זה קרה ביום המחאה נגד טקס עבודה זרה הנוצרי ליד הר הבית. הטקס פתח את מסע לנצר את העולם והמטרה הראשונה של המסע היא עם ישראל.

חשבון טיק-טוק בעל הסרטול הזה נעלם. הסרטון נמצא בטוויטר @yossi_eli.

Here is a rough translation of the interaction in the video. It was very difficult to discern what was being said, especially in the beginning.

Young Haredi Men: Go to Aroma. many graves ... other...
Jew for Yoshke: Shut your mouth!
YHM: ...many place in another park
JFJ: Respect people as they would respect you.
YHM: Respect The Holy One, Blessed Be He, the - בורא העולם - Creator and we will respect them.
JFJ: We honor The Holy One, Blessed Be He.
YHM: You connect... [?] You don't show respect. You worship Yeshu.
JFJ: This is Yeshua the messiah.
YHM: Yeshu is a bastard, the son of a whore.
JFJ: Yeshua is the messiah.
YHM: Yeshua is the son of a whore. He is not the messiah. He's dead!
JFJ: Yeshua is the messiah.
YHM: He's dead!
JFJ: You are trash!

Over the years, more and more Christians have been attempting to Hebraize their terminology, in order to connect and to appeal to Jews. Yeshua, struck through here in order to disrespect the avodah zarah (foreign worship) and false deity-messiah, is one such example. Whereas Yeshu is the Hebrew acronym for "may his name and memory be blotted out."

So, what do you think of this interaction between this apparently native Israeli, Christian missionary and ultra-orthodox men? This took place on the day of the protest against the forbidden, Christian ceremony near the Temple Mount, which was to initiate a world-wide missionary campaign, beginning with the Jewish People.

Note: The Tik-Tok account responsible for this video has disappeared. Found on Twitter @yossi_eli.

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